The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3227123
Posted By: Bobert
22-Sep-11 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
What the hell is going on here??? A Herbert Humphrey love-fest, or what???

Actually, brucie... LBJ stuck it to Humphrey just 3 weeks before the election... If you recall, Humphrey had stated that if he became president that he would stop the bombing of North Vietnam... Nixon, on the other hand, ran on his "secret plan" to end the war... Humphrey's position was clearer and in an election so close might have gotten him elected but...

...LBJ announced that he was ordering the bombing to be stopped right around the middle of October... That took the wind out of Humphrey's sails and he never recovered...

BTW, it turned out that Nixon didn't have any "secret plan" as the war went on another 6 years...
