The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3228751
Posted By: Stringsinger
25-Sep-11 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Making a point before I leave, the Tea Party is based on religious reaction, not economics (as witnessed by the ignoring of facts) and this is why they support Bachmann and Perry who belong to religious fundamentalist organizations such as Perry does with the New Apostolic Reformation. Ayn Rand was a self-avowed atheist and her views work in opposition to the religious bias of the Tea Party. This creates a schizoid ideology within the framework of the Tea Party.

Obama is not completely formed yet. No one could be shittier than W as a president. His administration bankrupted the U.S., corrupted the Congress and the Supreme Court, killed many innocents in Iraq and unfortunately Obama bought into some of this. Obama didn't play the race card to get elected. People wanted something better than Bush and they saw hope in Obama's intelligence and education. The "race card" accusers have to examine their own racism in their remarks. This is analogous to the term "political correct" which is used by those who defend their reactionary positions as if they were objective.

Obama has made some serious errors, continuation of the war in Afghanistan, executing Osama bin Laden without a trial, allowing his financial advisors to run roughshod over him as shown in Suskind's latest book, keeping Guantanamo open, not allowing the DOJ to investigate the Bush war crimes, diluting health care by taking single-payer off the table, and by compromising too much when dealing with Tea Party Republicans. This last point may be changing.

"It ain't over t'il it's over" and we might see a different Obama if we're lucky. Otherwise, if the Republicans get in, we will be consigned to a shitty administration for another four years.