The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128220   Message #3231484
Posted By: Gibb Sahib
30-Sep-11 - 01:40 AM
Thread Name: The Advent and Development of Chanties
Subject: RE: The Advent and Development of Chanties
1889        J., F.H. "Negro Music of the United States." In _A Dictionary of Music and Musicians_, ed. by Sir George Grove. Vol. 4. London: Macmillan. 728-730.

Early edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Reflects the "common knowledge" about African-American musical style that probably would have informed C. Sharp and Arnold (w/ Bullen) in their comments from their collections.

Just one excerpt here on work-singing, by stevedores and firemen:

They [African-Americans] have songs for all occasions where they move in concert, such as loading or unloading ships, or working at the pumps of a fire engine. Their rhythmic sympathies are most strongly active on these occasions. Often one of a gang acts as a precentor, giving a line or two by himself, and the chorus coming in with the refrain. This leader, when his supply of lines gives out or his memory fails, resorts to improvisation.

No mention of any sailors' songs in this volume.