The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140610 Message #3231839
Posted By: Phil Edwards
30-Sep-11 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: Bare Bones - reissued?
Subject: Bare Bones - reissued?
A couple of weeks ago I managed to find an online supplier who had copies of Bare Bones, the last CD Tony Rose released. I put my money down like a shot, and I'm glad I did - it's a superb album, with some truly definitive song readings. Well worth the money, if you see it advertised.
However, a couple of things have made me wonder whether this is the original CD - and if not, where it's from. Despite carrying the Philips CD logo, the CD wouldn't play in any of the machines in the house; the only things that will play it are the computer and the car CD player. I've burned a CD-R copy on the computer; some of our CD players will play that, but not the original. This seems odd, to say the least. The other odd thing is the noise on a couple of tracks - there's a huffing, clicking noise during, roughly, the last minute of track 5 (Following the Old Oss) and the first minute of track 6 (The Lakes of Shilin). It's for all the world as if the CD's been recorded from an LP, with scratches.