The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3232426
Posted By: Bobert
01-Oct-11 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Fine, GfinS... If that's what you believe how in the hell can you advocate doing away with the Fed, who is our defense against China manipulating their currency and causing more unemployment here in the USA??? How can you talk about throwing out all the "illegals", who for decades have picked our crops??? There are farmers throughout the south scared shitless that ya'll are going to make it so hard to get crops in that they will have to shut down farms... How can yo support a man who wants to end income tax and who supports unfettered access to the middle classes' posterior??? Why would you support 50% poverty in this country... That's what Ron Paul will give you...

I mean, you don't understand much, do you??? Have you ever taken a college course in economics??? Did you pas it??? I doubt it...

Tell you what... Over the course of low taxes, no regs the US has dropped in every good category... Math in 1982-1st, math in 2010-21st... Infant mortaility (not related to abortion), 1st in 1982, 28th now... I could go on and on and on and...

Face it, your model sucks!!!

We ain't buying all your BS policy position because the Bush administration bailed out the banks... Yeah, that could have been done better but the alternative was worse... Now they are stabilized it's time to get off Obama's ass for putting in place the few things that the Republicans would let "get thru" to regulated Wall Street trading scams... Don't put this on Obama... Put it where it belongs...

In other words, punish the crooks and not the messenger...

You need to do some serious rethinking 'cause you flatly don't make much sense...
