The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140614   Message #3232456
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
02-Oct-11 - 12:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fitness & Declutter - ready for fall! Oct 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Fitness & Declutter - ready for fall! Oct 2011
I spent the evening cooking. Braised beef short ribs turned out great, and I have several for meals this week. Then I turned my hand to the bag of eggplant I picked a few days ago. I think there were 8 - peeled, salted, washed, and some of them cubed before sauteing, others were sliced then sauteed. All into the freezer for dishes this winter.

The freezer has a lot of stuff in it from the summer that can come out soon - rice, beans, things that if they stayed warm (I wasn't cooling the house much below 85 all summer) could end up with weevils. This summer was so hot almost anything could end up with bugs - I know how before microbiology people believed in spontaneous generation, seeing how these buggers come out of no where.

Must put my feet up. Might as well let my head to to sleep at the same time.