The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140594   Message #3232819
Posted By: ChrisJBrady
02-Oct-11 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: Transatlantic Sessions - Series 5
Subject: RE: Transatlantic Sessions - Series 5
Well - not as good as the other programmes by a very long way. The aims and objectives of the series is now beyond me, and the agenda of demonstrating the similarities of American (whatever that is) with Scottish and Irish folk music and song was well diluted. AND what a bunch of male chauvinists - ALL the musos were male. The few females (3?) were relegated to singing one song each. Also I don't think any English trad. musos or singers would have a place in the proceedings. I simply couldn't see the likes of the Watersons or Carthys or Coppers or Bellowhead or any of the likes of Oyster or Albion etc., fitting in at all. The first programme demonstrated a dire ignoring (ignorance?) of anything remotely English. What on earth is the Beeb thinking of. Poor start to the new series.