The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140647   Message #3232935
Posted By: Will Fly
03-Oct-11 - 05:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
Subject: RE: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
Ah well, Michael, I fell in love with Janacek's music the first time I heard his Glagolitic Mass.

Actually, from a folk music perspective, Janacek's very interesting. I'm sure you know that he used to wander the countryside, listening to the folk music of Moravia and other Slavic music - which provided the basis of his own composition. He also noted down the sounds of animals, birds and insects, which inspired some of the composition of "The Cunning Little Vixen".

I suppose I'm biased as I'm a huge fan of composers like Bartok and Janacek, whose string quartets, IMHO, are some of the most moving pieces in modern music.