The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140647   Message #3233217
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Oct-11 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
Subject: RE: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
frogprince - LOL!!! Well, that was a rare and unsual case, wasn't it? Yeah, most people would have defined her as being...umm..."bonkers"? Something like that.

The passage from Ezekiel is interesting, and many people have interpreted it as possibly referring to an ancient visitation of an alien extra-terrestrial vehicle of some kind, its occupants being seen by the people of the time as "gods" or "angels". It may be that such visitations occurred. If they had, the visitors would almost certainly have been seen as divine emmissaries from Heaven, and this would have had a very big effect on the minds of the people back then. They would have described it in the terms that made sense to them at the time.

We who live in a science-dominated age where flying machines and space travel are well-known phenomena would describe such an event in quite different terms.

I've seen what I strongly suspect were extra-terrestrial vehicles. I didn't think of them as Angels or as God riding around on a nuclear-powered throne, I thought of them as (most likely) extra-terrestrial beings a bit like ourselves, riding around in a high-tech vehicle of unknown (to us) design and origin.

If I'd been living 2,000 years ago, I'd probably have figured it was God's Angels.