The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140594   Message #3233374
Posted By: Commander Crabbe
03-Oct-11 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: Transatlantic Sessions - Series 5
Subject: RE: Transatlantic Sessions - Series 5
It might be interesting to consider the following:

A great many numbers of Irish and Scottish people emigrated to America (Some would consider they were forced by English oppression). Quite a number of my own ancestors were displaced and made the journey across the pond from Scotland. And to my knowledge most of the songs of exile, transportation and emigration have their origins in such. That said I'm sure there are some of english origin which somebody will popint out to me before long.

There were undoubtedly some English who made the same journey. However, I have no idea what percentage in relation to Scots and Irish were forced to make the journey through oppression in England. (No doubt someone will know)

If by any chance that percentage is very small compared to the Scots and Irish. Then maybe that's why there isn't much English music incorporated in the programme.

Regards from someone who was born in Germany to an English mother and Scottish father who spent the first four years of his life in China followed by various short sojourns in Scotland and England with fourteen years in Wales three years in Shetland followed by another three years in Wales and who now lives in the Sovereign country of Yorkshire.