The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140647 Message #3233454
Posted By: Paul Burke
04-Oct-11 - 02:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
Subject: RE: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
Kent, I used to think that the Bible said "Thou shalt not kill", and that this meant that I shouldn't kill people. But on studying the beliefs of early Christians, I realised that it actually meant that I shouldn't kill people who agree with me, nice people. It's perfectly OK to have your opponents like Priscillian killed when you can't beat their arguments. And that Hypatia (the slut) was just asking to be skinned alive. And then there are the Jews who just won't understand that Jesus saved them, slaves who insist that God made them just as good as us, disgusting fags and libertines.... the list is endless.
So I now realise I have authority, nay duty, to kill anyone who transgresses against the infallible rectitude of the Bible, as long as I can get together a big enough gang to make it safe to do so.