The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100868   Message #3233640
Posted By: MGM·Lion
04-Oct-11 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: Murder/Manslaughter-Amanda Knox acquitted(3-Oct11)
Subject: RE: Murder/Manslaughter-Amanda Knox acquitted(3-10-11)
The grief of Meredith Kercher's parents was indeed heartbreaking. But there seemed to me, perhaps wrongly but I think not, an element of disappointment that their revenge for their daughter's death had somehow been curtailed by the release of Ms Knox because a well-constituted appeal court had found her conviction unsafe; that they felt aggrieved that she should not continue to be locked up for more than a ¼C for a crime she might not have committed, as this made it harder for them to feel that their daughter's death had not been atoned ~ and hence that they would rather have seen her continue with what might have been an unjust punishment because that would in some way make them feel better ~~ or in any event less griefstruck ~~ about their bereavement. And all this even though the man Guele[?], who does seem, and has admitted to being, the guilty party, remains imprisoned. I am, as you will gather, most uncomfortable about the Kerchers' response.

I don't know it anyone else feels this.
