The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140665   Message #3234431
Posted By: Genie
05-Oct-11 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: 2011 Getaway Reports
Subject: RE: 2011 Getaway Reports
I missed it too, Kendall. Sniff!   

Dani, thanks so much for making sure you got enough sleep Sunday nig …, er, Monday morning to be a responsible and capable driver to NC after breakfast (not to mention providing scintillating conversation, along with navigator Abby).   Your sacrifice meant missing what was probably, for me, at least, the best 2 hours of music of the whole wonderful musical weekend - when John Roberts (concertina), Big Mic (guitar), Siochan (Rose), Donna Fletcher (guitar), Lucy Goldberg (guitar), David (harp), Tinker, Amos (guitar), ClaireBear & Frieda, Ron Davies (viola), John Townley, and a few others joined their wonderful voices with a bunch of us others singing and/or playing along.   I made myself go to bed at 5 AM, though I wasn't sleepy yet, so I could get up in time to be on the road between 9 and 10 AM.   But I did record most of those last two hours and I hope the sound came out well. I will share them soon, if I get the permission of all the collaborators.

I missed seeing KT (in person), Janie, Bobert, harlie N., Jeri, LeadFingers, Micca, Linda G., Ernie, and a bunch of others from last year or from 2008, but it was great to meet and jam with Gutbucketeer, Freda Underhill, ClaireBear's sister Frieda (one of my concert backup singers), Barrie M., and quite a few others I hadn't met personally before.

And, yes, Gene and Sandra deserve special kudos for making both the pre-Getaway bash and the Peace Cabin marathon jams such a great success, as do the FSGW stalwarts like Charlie, Bill, Rita, Judy, Dennis, Dean, Bruce, etc., for making the Getaway "happen" so smoothly.

And, yes, Dani, that full-sky double rainbow early Friday evening was awesome and a real harbinger of the great weekend ahead. And then we got to watch a blue heron working on getting his/her breakfast bayside Saturday as we were finishing ours in the dining hall.

I've got lots of video to process too. Need to process the clips and get permissions before "sharing" them, but I hope to have some up very soon. Also still screencap shots from the videos.
