The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140647 Message #3235034
Posted By: John P
06-Oct-11 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
Subject: RE: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
Of course, we have Little Hawk once again putting forth unsupported reasons for other peoples' actions. Had you considered the possibility that it's just kind of fun to poke around with these ideas? Or that laughing at people who make themselves into laughing stocks is a perfectly normal activity? Why do you, with no evidence, consistently assign negative reasons to the conversations people have around here? You're really telling us more about how your mind defaults to a position of conflict than about what's really going on.
And, yes, there are people on Mudcat who take the Bible literally. GfS, apparently, in this very thread. Counting generations and drawing conclusions from it is certainly a very literal-minded activity.
There are other reasons to call attention to the literal Bible folks that don't include mean-spiritedness. One is that most members of one of the political parties in the US, and many of their candidates, ascribe to that view. One of the few weapons we have to keep them from further depredations against our Constitution is ridicule.
You say, "Perhaps you should go where these people ARE and battle it out with them.." I would say that if you don't like the conversation, or can't find anything to add that isn't based on your inaccurate suppositions about other people, perhaps YOU should go where others of your ilk are and tell them how negative everyone else is.