The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140647   Message #3235045
Posted By: Lighter
06-Oct-11 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
Subject: RE: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
The OP, LH, was about a question of Biblical literalism, and that what's I've been talking about it.

GfS and I share an interest in the subject and a tendency to express ourselves bluntly and satirically. As far as I know, however, we're still on friendly terms. I never attack anyone personally, just some of their beliefs.

And as John P says, religious literalism/fundamentalism mixed with politics and a disdain for science and reason can be a dangerous mix.

Only one of the Republican candidates, John Huntsman, has even suggested that he might believe in evolution. ("The Republican party can't run away from science.") He's polling at around 1%. Coincidence?

Meanwhile, I've heard Obama called "the Antichrist." (Of course, GWB was called that too, but only by people who don't believe in the Antichrist: the anti-Obama people sound serious.)

That's not my idea of a healthy political or intellectual environment. Or spiritual, come to think of it.