The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140647 Message #3235370
Posted By: Paul Burke
07-Oct-11 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
Subject: RE: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
Jesus had begun to reign as king over heaven
I bet God wishes he'd never let the Greeks loose on his religion. God is eternal (so they say), and has existed from before time; indeed he exists outside time. Jesus is God (so they say), and while God appears to have something of a multiple personality disorder, so do quite a few people, and we are more liberal with disabilities these days. But for God to have started doing something in Heaven on such-and-such a date (we don't know what it is, but Kent seems to think i's determinable within a few years) is a good one. Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow (but not before November 13th 36AD)?
Oh bother, let's not get started on whence the Holy Spirit proceeds. And ignore thse legalistic materialists who want to pin their god down in a dusty old book, like a pressed flower. Let's hear it for the teacher Jesus, killed as a rebel by the authorities for subversion, who preached the Sermon on the Mount that his "followers" today so studiously ignore.