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Thread #140647   Message #3235469
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Oct-11 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
Subject: RE: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
John P - It's a radically different situation in the USA regarding religion affecting politics. Religion has very little effect on the political agenda in Canada, and politicians here usually don't play on the religious angle much at all...if they do, the voters don't like it, and they lose votes. The present prime minister here is a Conservative, and he is reputed to be a born-again Christian, but if he is, he keeps it very close to his chest. He knows that if he were to make any kind of public point about it, the electorate would not go for it.

As regards my Jehovah's Witness friends, no, I don't think it affects the way they vote. Seems to me that they regard religion as a personal matter and politics as a public matter, so I think that the separation of church and state would seem normal to them. They would, naturally, like to see honesty and good morals in public officials....but who wouldn't?

They do think God's Kingdom will come at some point on this planet, after which the present political systems would presumably no longer be needed...but I don't see how that would affect the way they vote at present. ;-)

There is a tiny Christian fundamentalist political party in Canada: The Christian Heritage Party. And I do mean tiny! I'd guess that they get maybe 1/10 of 1 percent of the vote, if that. They aren't connected with the JV's. They've never elected anyone, and I can't imagine they ever will.