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Thread #140647 Message #3235471
Posted By: frogprince
07-Oct-11 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
Subject: RE: BS: There are 2000 year old living people!
Why I let myself be goaded into it I'm not sure, but I just watched the entire presentation. It's a remarkable admixture of very interesting information and mumbo-jumbo.
It seems hard to deny, to say the least, the probability that the shroud wrapped a body, and that the image got unto the shroud from the body somehow. As to it being Jesus? I have no inclination to say that that's absurd. A lot of the details fit, and even the more conjectural "evidence" given was generally plausible. But a lot of this also consisted of "proving" a thesis by mixing it with so many superfilous facts, and dobs of pseudo-scientific jargon, that it all becomes "true".
Jargon as in saying that we don't actually see in 3 dimensions, as if either eye, with only 2 dimensional capability, could actually "see" without the image being processed by the brain.
Jargon as in saying that the shroud has only the "illusion" of shading, caused by the varying density of darkened area; in a monochromatic image, all shading consists of the varying density of darkened area.
If in fact the image was transferred from a body to the shroud, no one has anything but total conjecture as to how; it really is a fascinating, intriguing question. If in fact the cloth was affected by a burst of light, or other energy, then to say that only some of the light had time to affect the cloth before the body vanished into another dimension is, to say the least, as baseless a flight of conjecture as any of us will ever hear. And it doesn't suddenly become plausible because early gnostics talked about different kinds of reality.
And isn't it amazing that this "code" was deliberately provided, all those centuries ago, so that the image could be retrieved by modern means? What "code"? surprise: given a comparable 2 dimensional image, a three dimensional image can be retrieved with modern technology. Any expert could start with an old negative and end up with a realistic 3 dimensional presentation; if the initial image was on cloth draped in an irregular manner, it would take him that much more painstaking work to do it.
Now: what does that have to do with those three scriptural references? did Jesus become "Christ", a "generation" of pure light, in another dimension, at the resurrection? Or are you going to keep your gnostic knowledge to yourself, so you can remain the only member of the spiritually superior "band" around here?