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Thread #136420   Message #3235679
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Oct-11 - 01:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
I see abusive, exaggerated satirical crap like that in the Toronto Sun frequently...only it's not about Sarah Palin or anyone on the's about liberals, Democrats, socialists...basically anyone who is positioned to the left of the most rightwing members of the Republican Party faithful or the Conservative Party of Canada, which worships at the same alter the Republicans do.

Yes, the Sun enjoys depicting anyone on the left as either a criminal, a dupe, or a complete moron. If Andy Borowitz was only willing to switch sides and persecute people on the Left the way he just did Sarah Palin, I'm sure they'd love his writing style, based as it is on character assassination, hyperbole, insults, denigration, demonization of entire groups of people, and gross innuendo.

They'd hire him at once! He could attack people like Obama and Al Gore in the same mean-spirited and silly fashion. You guys wouldn't like it one bit, but the Sun would lick its chops with delight. You mind when they do it. You applaud when your allies do it.