The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943   Message #3235921
Posted By: Rog Peek
08-Oct-11 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: Lyr Add: STARS THAT ARE SILVER (Ralph Alfonso)
(Ralph Alfonso)

Stars that are silver
And stars that are gold
These are the stars I
I never will hold
And the gates to heaven
They never will close
And where God will find me
Oh well God only knows

Stars that are silver
And stars that are gold
There is no comfort
For a life I have sold
And there but for fortune
My story is told
Stars that are silver
And stars that are gold

Stars that are silver
And stars that are gold
These are the stars I
I never will hold
And the gates to heaven
They never will close
And where God will find me
Well God only knows

Notes: Here is an excerpt from a piece Ralph wrote advertising a showing of 'PHIL OCHS - There But For Fortune' in Montreal September 2011:
"As a special treat, we are happy to offer a free download of a tribute song that I wrote for Phil Ochs a few years ago and by the powers of kismet, manages to tie in both Phil Ochs and the Vancouver punk scene as it features myself on vocals with Gord Nicholl (Pointed Sticks) on keyboards who also recorded and mixed it with Buck Cherry (Modernettes) at their Vancouver studios, Paramount Recorders. On electric guitar is Michael Rummen (Four Horsemen, Bruno Gerussi's Medallion, Ralph) and on acoustic guitar is Dave Rave (Teenage Head). They are all featured on the "electric" version. There is also an acoustic version which is just Dave and myself. I have only ever performed this song once or twice live and it always garners an appreciative response. Phil Ochs and his music touched a lot of people."

RP Oct11