The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140756   Message #3236321
Posted By: Bill D
09-Oct-11 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: As much as I've grown to dislike Obama
Subject: RE: BS: As much as I've grown to dislike Obama
" "This is the way this works. It's incrementalism." Paul said."

read elsewhere (do a search) on the "slippery slope" argument. In almost ANY discussion it is possible to 'claim' that 'X might lead to Y'. In physics & chemistry it is politics and psychology and culture, etc., it is NOT so obvious.

Any prediction of what might happen if we allow 'them' to do this or that depends on many things, and is often no better than guesswork or projection from a personal viewpoint.

As to the specific case of how to deal with American citizens who are openly aiding & abetting the enemy.... ask yourself what might have been done if Anwar al-Awlaki had been identified under Bush's regime....or a possible Ron Paul regime.
Anwar al-Awlaki was in the same business as bin Laden, and doing pretty well at it. What would you have us do?...send him a note asking him to "pretty please" stop leading attacks on us? There is no evidence **Obama** intends to target citizens who are NOT a danger to us.,,,and IF a Republican were elected, you'd have to speculate on what HE would target.