The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140790   Message #3236814
Posted By: MGM·Lion
10-Oct-11 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Heinz - one of your 5 a day?
Subject: RE: BS: Heinz - one of your 5 a day?
Don't altogether follow that, McG. Fresh fruit, uncooked, is surely as nutritionally valuable as stewed or baked fruit? I am sure tomatoes are good, either cooked or raw ~~ & it surely depends on the means of cooking; one doesn't fry apples of pears, but one can fry tomatoes, which I cannot but feel must counteract the nutritional benefits to some extent; whereas boiled or grilled they should be OK.

Don't get me wrong ~~ I love a fry-up; but don't delude self that it is good to me. Back to Dorothy Parker [or whoever it was]: "Everything nice is either illegal or immoral or fattening"!
