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Thread #140756   Message #3236819
Posted By: GUEST,999
10-Oct-11 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: As much as I've grown to dislike Obama
Subject: RE: BS: As much as I've grown to dislike Obama
Arkie and Bill,

I would be thinking the same way but a few things interfere.

Congress is corrupt, no question. Hell, it's filled with the privileged class, half of them millionaires. Corporations are persons.

Obama himself should have started the OWS. He has not been seen to be leading. So come the next presidential election, where will your fellow and fellowette citizens find someone who seems to be leading?

You saying that Guantanamo--which he promised to close but is still open--cannot be shut down by the President of the United States? The office of the presidency is that weak? I'm aware it's not that simple, but then I ain't a voter. Tell John or Jane Doe Average that the office is that weak, and then wonder why they just don't 'believe' the Republic which at one time had three 'parts' of government--Executive, Legislative and Judicial (but now has four if we include Wall Street) is worth walking across the street to cast a ballot for. Tell that to the 3,000,000 million houses that were foreclosed thus rendering 7.5 million Americans homeless and add them to the 49,000,000 people presently living below the poverty line. There isn't much to believe in at the moment for those people, and about half of them have votes to cast.

In a little over a year, unless Obama opens his mouth and challenges the opposition, he will not be re-elected. It's that simple. Yes, Congress is to blame, but let David show he has the stones to stand up to Goliath and he'll have the backing of every thinking person in the USA--and they DO outnumber the crooks and non-thinkers. Six years from now the Republicans will be lucky to have 25 seats in the Senate and 100 in the House. Their credibility is going, going, gone. But there seems to be nothing to replace it. Until there is, Obama will just seem like another representative of corporations and secret societies like HS, CIA, FBI, SIS and every other goddam letter in the alphabet. Maybe the only people Obama can trust is the Secret Service and the military of which HE is the commander. Grow some stones and do what ya gotta do, Obama. You the leader--so LEAD.