The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140756   Message #3237264
Posted By: Bill D
11-Oct-11 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: As much as I've grown to dislike Obama
Subject: RE: BS: As much as I've grown to dislike Obama
Oh, it must be special to have 'sources' which can't be revealed....

All I can say is that I think Obama (and his team) is/are smarter than the shallow bloggers & pundits give him credit for as they feed off of each other and parrot the same dire warnings.

   In any case, IF this motley band of would-be usurpers manage to string together enough slogans, voter disenfranchisements, scare tactics and outright lies to wrestle the election away, I will be.... 'interested'.. to read their (the pundits) disclaimers in about 2014 after things get worse, and after all the new voter registration laws, creative Gerrymandering of districts, Supreme Court shenanigans, anonymous corporate money ...and anal-retentive arch-conservative religious zealots have turned this country into a de facto, (if not de jure) theocracy where the deck is permanently stacked in favor of one party, and suddenly those pundits have less air time because Fox News is granted special privileges.

That sentence too long? I said: "Better hope you are NOT right about your predictions."