The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140756   Message #3237266
Posted By: Stringsinger
11-Oct-11 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: As much as I've grown to dislike Obama
Subject: RE: BS: As much as I've grown to dislike Obama
Josepp, our political leaders have become irrelevant because the people's voice is being heard. The unions following suit are also ignoring both political parties.

The leaders are only as good as the public is willing to invest in them. Right now, they are not representing Americans but their own special interests, politically and economically.

Obama is hanging on to the security blanket of Wall Street, muted in his response to their intolerable exploitation of the working and middle class.

I think GE may be paying for his next election, hence Immelt. Also, Goldman through Geithner.

The election fraud perpetrated by the GOP is what we have to look forward to.
Don't count on the Supreme Court to help us.

Solution: grow the resistance through OWS and let's make it more the 20,000 at Zicotti Park. If some politician wants to step in front of the parade, let's make sure he/she
truly represents We the People.