The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140915   Message #3240370
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
17-Oct-11 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: How sincere the Torys are
Subject: RE: BS: How sincere the Torys are
I'm so glad someone else is cross! They're quite mad. You can't change your power provider MID-CONTRACT, there are penalties to pay, and the wretched things last a whole year. And what about their huge profits? Making billions, and then telling us to insulate our houses more efficiently. They'll be telling us to wear woolly hats and anoraks indoors next. He actually said people are wasting heat. We're not, but the bills are getting so big we're turning the heating off in order to have enough money to eat. And they've cut the Winter Fuel Payment. I bet THEY don't sit shivering in their luxury homes. Scandalous!