The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140894   Message #3240996
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
18-Oct-11 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: Origins: She Was Poor (Same The Whole World Over)
Subject: Lyr Add: BIG JOE CLIPLER
She was poor, but she was honest, she was honest,
Victim of a rich man's whim !
She took a ride with Lou'siana's Christian Gov'nor,
And she had ay child by him !
Now he sits in legislature, legislature,
Making laws for all mankind,
While she walks the streets of N'Orleans, Lou'siana,
Selling grapes from her grapevine.
Now the moral of this story, of this story,
Is don't ever take a ride
With Lou'siana's Christian Gov'nor, Big Joe Clipler,
And you'll be a virgin bride.
It's the rich who gets the glory, gets the glory,
It's the poor who have to pay,
It's the same the whole world over, over, over,
It's a low-down dirty shame !

Sung by a girl student at the University of Arkansas... as part of a collection of college and sorority songs...."
"The name of the Gov'nor and his state of the Union have been changed to avoid libel."

(Now why did that make me think of a certain Christian governor who is running for the White House?).