The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140614   Message #3241080
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
18-Oct-11 - 11:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fitness & Declutter - ready for fall! Oct 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Fitness & Declutter - ready for fall! Oct 2011
Another long hiatus. Time just flies so fast!
Since my attack of near hypothermia, I have dug out the winter clothes, especially the wool socks! And put away a container of summer clothes. I have corrected my glaze problem and made lots of pots but they are not fired yet. I usually manage two extra days in the country during the week to work. On the weekend, we usually do other things: two weeks ago on a fantastically marvellous Saturday, we walked through the woods, on private property, to The Gorge!! What a treat! We had seen it online and thought we could only get to it from New York State but a friend informed us and set it up so we go go in from near the cabin. The folks do accompanied us the whole way in and made sure we got out OK too. What a great dog!

I have manaed to get to three International Folk Dance sessions in two weeks. So good to be dancing after a months long hiatus! Totally in French which I totally do not understand. I just watch and copy. I could never understand the instructions in English either because of my auditory processing disorder. I know many of the dances and can usually predict others. 8 years of mostly 2/week really has paid off.

Our buckwheat cakes are becoming more creative. Sometimes half wheat and half buckwheat or rye and three apples to one cup of flour or some pineapple and apple or, today, cranberry sauce (home made)/apple and the last of the pineapple. We were going to try peaches when we got some good ones! But they were too yummy plain!   

Lots of good music at the cafe and this Saturday a concert of David Ross MacDonald from Australia. Halloween weekend a bluegrass band Saturday afternoon and a Halloween Party at the cafe. The first weekend in November we are off to Lake George, New York to a wildlife conference and the following weekend, I go to a Quaker Committee meeting in Ottawa. Lest you not hear from me for a while.

I wrote a letter to the editor re---wildlife and rabies, of course, after they published a really dumb column.

I have not lost a single pound, or gained any either! My strategies are clearly not working. Maybe the dancing will help???? In any case, thanks to the Magnesium, I feel better than I have in months. Still get signs that I need it but the pain is gone and only slight twinges to remind me to take more. No mood swings, a more clear brain, most of the time and an incredible feeling of wellness!!! I feel like a new person - or really like my own true self.

Which is really good because I am more able to fill my chosen role of giving R mucho support as he goes trough these constant pop-ups of rough patches in the multi-faceted business endeavours.

Good to see others happenings - well some of them good and others - well. life. Y'all take care!