The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87026   Message #3242494
Posted By: MGM·Lion
21-Oct-11 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: Barbara Allen earliest version?
Subject: RE: Barbara Allen earliest version?
"The psychological analysis of fictional characters is very much a 20th C. development." ~~ I think not Lighter --

Alexander Pope, 1725: "His Characters are so much Nature her self that 'tis a sort of injury to call them by so distant a name as Copies of her. Those of other Poets have a constant resemblance, which shews that they receiv'd them from one another and were but multiplyers of the same image: each picture like a mock-rainbow is but the reflexion of a reflexion. But every single character in

"Shakespeare is as much an Individual as those in Life itself; it is as impossible to find any two alike; and such as from their relation or affinity in any respect appear most to be Twins will upon comparison be found remarkably distinct. To this life and variety of Character we must add the wonderful Preservation of it; which is such throughout his plays that had all the Speeches been printed without the very names of the persons I believe one might have apply'd them with certainty to every speaker." Preface to Pope's edition of Shakespeare's works

Samuel Johnson, 1765 The Plays of William Shakespeare: "[Shakespeare's] adherence to general nature has exposed him to the censure of criticks, who form their judgments upon narrower principles. Dennis and Rymer think his Romans not sufficiently Roman; and Voltaire censures his kings as not completely royal. ... These are the petty cavils of petty minds."

Could find many more examples, not just re Shax; but particularly 18C novels -- Richardson's Pamela & Clarissa, Fielding's Tom Jones. Also Milton's PL....
