The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140992   Message #3242525
Posted By: bfdk
21-Oct-11 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dancing & Possessiveness
Subject: RE: BS: Dancing & Possessiveness
Is this the sort of dancing your 'person of the appropriate gender' is into? It sure looks like good fun, and it also looks like something you couldn't hope to do to his/her level, unless you were prepared to practice quite a lot.

I'm a keen dancer. Not a 'great' dancer by any standards, but getting better all the time because I work at it and am lucky to have good partners with whom I can practice and get better at what I do. The thrill of mastering a new set of steps or a new dance is, I think, the same as you get when you master a new tune on your guitar, fiddle, squeezebox or whatever instrument you play.

It has nothing to do with sex or relationships or anything of that nature. In fact, if a couple dancing together are rubbing fronts, one or both are bound to be out of balance, which is exactly what dancing is *not* about.

I don't know about the 'someone' you've met, but if a bloke I just met were to tell me that I could only dance with him (and he wasn't up to my own standard or better to compensate for the exclusiveness), I'd resent that very much. Even if he were better than me, I'd soon end up resenting the fact that he was setting boundaries for me and start wondering what he'd deny me next. I honestly don't think such a relationship would last long.

Would you have the same problem if he were into, say, rugby, and was forever rolling around on the field grabbing at a bunch of sweaty blokes all groping for a ball??

Just my two pennies worth.
