The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26590   Message #324295
Posted By: Peter Kasin
21-Oct-00 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Re-enactors?
Subject: RE: BS: Re-enactors?
Once a month the National Park where I work holds a living history day. We strive to turn back the digital watch to 1901, and re-enact life aboard a square-rigger, a coastal schooner, and a ferryboat. We have a number of loyal volunteers who have gone through a docent training program, and have worked on developing characters. A few of the Park Rangers, myself included, are involved with this program. There is a sail furling demonstration, complete with a ship's master barking orders to a mate, who in turn barks orders to a crew, there's a cook in a working historic galley, several other characters - and I do mean characters - and demonstrations. I play a fiddler and chanteyman (how did you guess?) aboard the square-rigger. I first called myself "Matthew Robertson," a composite figure denoting an American born man of Scottish ancestry who learned fiddle from his father. One day, another re-enactor introduced me to visitors as "O.K. Pete." It sounded like a name from an old hollywood bad western at first, but when I thought about it, it made sense. Sailors were often nicknamed by other crew members, so I changed my character name, and made up a story about how when I first worked aboard a ship, I was given my first command from a mate, and instead of answeing "Aye!" I answered "O.K." I got a rap on the head for it, and forever after, the crew called me "O.K. Pete."