The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141077   Message #3244951
Posted By: GUEST,The Ship Band
26-Oct-11 - 05:32 AM
Thread Name: The Ship Band ; Fraud Ceilidh band
Subject: RE: The Ship Band ; Fraud Ceilidh band
I have often wondered who it is that has that much spare time on their hands that they come across my site through Google searches for which we rank 25 (ceilidh band Oxfordshire) rather than clicking on the paid link at the top of every page, but I really should have made the connection between this practise and Mudcat users.

"I was shocked to find that within the folky genre there are people that are trying to hoodwink clients to make a fast buck."…….. Brilliant, although I prefer to think of myself as being part of the "entertainment industry" than the "folky genre". I realise this is beyond the aspirations of some of our "reputable" competitors.

@ Chris from Jigs n reels: Are you actually concerned about our model, or more so about the fact that we consistently outbid you on Adwords? Also FYI, we are "the ship band from Bristol" as well, and we don't advertise in Aberdeen.

Of course we use deps, everyone does, we just do it more efficiently and we regularly book musicians that would otherwise be performing in some of the UK's top performing folk bands and acts

The idea that a group of musicians that get together to rehearse the Rochdale Coconut Dance and compare notes on the beards hanging below the bottom rim of their short shorts once a week are more qualified as a band than the "scratch band" of professional / semi-professional musicians that we put together is laughable.

We have a long and growing list of satisfied customers and are very much looking forward to more slanderous posts on Mudcat in the future.