The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140614   Message #3245131
Posted By: LilyFestre
26-Oct-11 - 01:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fitness & Declutter - ready for fall! Oct 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Fitness & Declutter - ready for fall! Oct 2011
I tried the Mr. Clean eraser things for getting off burned soup and stuff (???) from underneath the grates on my gas stove. No luck. They absolutely crumbled. I can't speak as to how they work on ink. Anybody have any ideas how to get that burned on stuff OFF? ARG.

I've had a busy morning...laundry, dishes, kitchen floor swept, living room rug vacuumed (sucked up a square Lego...not good), found the kitchen table which seems to be our throw-all place all weekend long. Pete had the day off yesterday so add that extra day to the mess and you can imagine how big that pile was! We had breakfast at the table but kinda shoved stuff around and made a BIG pile in the middle. It's now gone. The toys have been picked up (but for how long I can't say). Jeremiah is entertaining himself with a toy I had a box to go with the other yard sale stuff. I guess he's still enjoying it so it will stay here!!! He's been quietly playing with it for well over an hour now. I also cleaned out the playpen which has been holding some clean, folded laundry. The wee one is needing a time out spot these days and that's his least until he learns how to sit in a chair and stay put. I've got a crock pot full of chili simmering away, several potatoes (fresh from the garden) washed and ready to roast for dinner tonight. Hamburger patties already made and ready for the grill too. The only thing left to do in that regard is cleaning lettuce, tomatoes, etc for a salad. The chili is not for dinner...that's for lunches during the week. I also broke down 3 large packs of meat and got them labeled and in the freezer. I love to write little love notes on the bags for my husband to find. *G* I made some business calls too. I found out when the off-peak hours are for electricity usage so I can work on lowering that bill. Laundry is going to become a night activity for sure. The dryer is such an energy hog and since it's getting colder, I'm not hanging as much on the line. Ok. I haven't been hanging anything on the line for awhile since the dryer finally came!!!!   I love to hang stuff but I really prefer softer clothes (unless it's sheets) that come from the dryer...not to mention it's been raining so much or threatening to rain much of the time. There are predictions for snow tomorrow.
    We took Jeremiah to a pumpkin patch over the weekend and celebrated my Mom's birthday too. I got some nice shots with the big camera and am hoping to get them up on Facebook soon. What kind of camera do you have SRS? I've got a Canon EOS Rebel's a beast and I'm having fun learning how to use it!!!
   Ok, break time is over. Time to get back to work.

Have a great day everybody!
