The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141095   Message #3245650
Posted By: Mick Pearce (MCP)
27-Oct-11 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: DTStudy: Moving Day (Sterling/Von Tilzer)
Subject: RE: DTStudy: Moving Day (Sterling/Von Tilzer)
Here is a transcription of the tune for Bob Davenport's version. I haven't been able to check back to a recording of Bob Davenport, so this may not be exactly what he sings, but it's more or less how I used to sing it (I haven't for many years) and it came originally from him.

I've put it in F for comparison with the Von Tilzer tune in the pdf. It's clearly derived from that.


%%abc-version 2.0
%%top-margin 1cm

T:Moving Day
S:Mick Pearce from Bob Davenport.
N:I haven't been able to check this back against a recording
N:of Bob Davenport, so although I learned it from him, it may
N:not be exactly what he sings.
F|F2 G2 A2 B2|c>=BcA- A3 z|B A2 B G2 zG|A A2 F- F3 z|
w:The land-lord said this morn-ing to me_ "Get out this house it is-n't free_
F2 G2 A2 B2|c>=BcA- A3 z|B>ABG- G F2 E|F4 F3 z|
w:I can't get no rent out of you_ pack up your bags_ and skid-oo, you"
d2 B2 d2 B2|dd Bd- d3 z|c2 c>A c>Ac>A|c d3 A3
w:"Now then Jack, just list-en to me_ I'm get-ting mo-ney from the P. A. C.
A|G2 G2 G2 G2|=B B2 d-d2 e2|d8|c2
w:They said my shares were do-ing well_ this morn-ing"
D2 F2 A2|c6 d2|A4-Az A2|G6 F2|D4-D3 z|
w:"Be-cause it's mo-ving day_ it's mo-ving day_
E2 Gc- c3 z|E2 Gc-c3 z|z d2 c d3 c|d2 c2 A2
w:Load the cart_ let's de-part_ this'-ll break the land-lord's heart_
B2|c6 d2|A4- Az G>F|G>FG>F G F2 d-|d4-dz
w:He'll have a fit_ when he sees we've done the moon-light flit__
D2|F2 FG- Gz FG|A>^GAc- c2 c2|(c8-|cG) A2 F2 z|]
w:No bugs, no rent_ when you live in a tent_ It's mo__ving day"