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Thread #140808   Message #3246539
Posted By: Richard Bridge
29-Oct-11 - 05:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nobody likes a Tory
Subject: RE: BS: Nobody likes a Tory
No, this thread has not run its course. It will not have run its course until people see the conservatives for what they are - and the fake Bluesman - for what they are.

Bluesman does not deserve breath. His "debating" tactics when compared with others in the past clearly link him to what has gone, in certain senses, before.

This thread will not have run its course until the rubbish he spews out is recognised as rubbish - like the conservative philosophy. His suggestion that the conservatives "care" for anyone is a conjuration. Their latest initiatives are apparently aimed at the destruction of workers' rights, based on a mischaracterisation of what those rights are, and allegedly to serve capital not the workers. It would do far more to reduce the deficit if tax evasion was clamped down on, if tax avoidance was properly planned round (I have suggested ways on here before) - if the same rules were applied to assets possibly derived from tax fudges as to assets possibly derived from crime - that is to say that the assetholder had to prove that it was legitimately acquired.

This government does not assert that tax fraud impoverishes the state, so tax must be abolished (although I hesitate to give them the idea), but they do say that benefit fraud (which is small in comparison) does impoverish the state, so benefits must be abolished. Apologists for this government say that it is not right to tar all conservatives with the same brush - but produce a stream of propaganda doing that and more about benefit recipients.

What we have is one law for the super-rich - even the middle classes cannot afford to go to court - and another for the rest. To build, to rescue, a "society" that must change.

And in the meantime another example of stealing from the poor to benefit the rich - and tear up Cameron's figleaf of "the big society" which in reality was no more than a disguise for the evasion by government of its responsibilities by leaving them to others, to volunteers can be found here:

This government is evil. Government by the rich for the rich. Any tiny thing I can do to make people realise is a positive thing.

People, wake up for your own sakes.

And, incidentally, as an Englishman I find the assertion that it is "Brits who stink up the forum" unmeritorious. Politics is a legitimate field of discussion. The stink comes from the self-interest in government, and from the prejudice of the lunatic right and their campaigns of impersonation. That is not a matter of being English, but of who and what they are.

I would also remind you that I did in my opening post draw attention to the US site "Nobody likes a Republican" - but I fear it looks as if the USA is too cowed now to put the boot (metaphorically) into the right, where it belongs.

I'll find you some more examples of conservative wrongdoing shortly.