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Thread #141076   Message #3246852
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
30-Oct-11 - 04:32 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
Apologies - hit the wrong key:

Records show that:

1 - The Jews of Palestine accepted this solution and on the ending of the period of the League of Nations Mandate in 1948 declared the existence of their independent sovereign state which they called Israel. - Teribus

Elicited the following comment by Don T

A somewhat sanitised version of events during that period.

Leaving out, of course, the actions of Menachim Begin et al, of "Irgun Zwai Leumi", who were murdering British soldiers with gay abandon and the tacit approval of the aforementioned Jewish community. So much so that Begin, like many other terrorists, went on to lead his country.

Funny how apologists for Israeli intransigence gloss over such relatively significant events.

Complete and utter red-herring which has nothing whatsoever to do with the UN, or their proposed two-state solution.

But in stating the above Don is being very selective himself.

From 1920 until 1948 both Jews and Arabs attacked and murdered British troops in Palestine, prior to the start of the Second World War it was predominantly Arabs doing the killing and during the "Great Arab Revolt" (1936 to 1939) the Jews actually helped the British in order to defend themselves. It was only as the British tried to enforce restrictions to immigration that one of the Jewish Defence organisations turned against the British.

This mind you comes from the source of a comment on the other "Palestine" thread about the deplorable presence of IDF troops in Gaza. Don T deplores the presence but ommitted to mention the reason for that presence - the indiscriminate firing of over 8,000 missiles, rockets and mortar bombs at Israeli civilian targets from territory that had been handed over to the Arabs of Palestine on the understanding that such attacks would not be launched - (Yet another example of the Arabs of Palestine not being capable of honouring any agreement they enter into).

To put the scale of these attacks into perspective in the 2003 US invasion of Iraq there were only 804 missiles fired, there were only 505 bombing missions flown. The fact that the 8,000+ Hamas missiles fired into Israel resulted in so few casualties was pure good fortune, the death toll was low but not for the want of Hamas and their fellow travellers trying to kill as many innocent civilians as possible.

Very pleased however to see that Don T does not refute what the UN's records do in fact say - That the Jews of Palestine accepted the 1947-UN Plan and that the Arabs of Palestine rejected it - elect to go to war and you are automatically condemned to accept the consequences.