The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58643   Message #3246899
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-Oct-11 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: Robin Hood ballads
Subject: RE: Robin Hood ballads
I sincerely hope we do Sean, but in the meantime, once you exorcise the narrative qualities out of ballads they become something else - not better or worse, just different - sort of like George Butterworth's exquisite Banks of Green Willow stands for what it has become, or Bee Bumble and The Stingers', Hall of the Mountain King is no longer as Greig intended.
If you are asking to be judged as presenting something else, fine, but meanwhile, back at the ranch, good ballad singing it is not.
The problem for me was your interprtation projected no tension whatever, just a pleasant sound which swamped the story.
Here is as good a place as any to discuss ballad singing.
Jim Carroll