The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26800   Message #324698
Posted By: wysiwyg
22-Oct-00 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: Birds on Wires
Subject: RE: Birds on Wires
I was wondering how to get into this thread but now I see I must enter laughing or be counted a liar in heaven.

My head about fell off, laffin. First, MY Sunday duties about 46 weeks out of the year are to sleep in and rest and pray and have ALONE TIME and recover positivity after a week of... that plus other. My church gig is on Saturday night!

Next, just this AM I was thinking that some of the relentless loving encouragement I have slung about ought, if there is a God, to have worked its way out through me and into people who've had a share of it, and then keep on streaming out through them. Then here I see flattop going to it. Out-effing-standingly well, great job, couldn't have done better myself. LOL. Ow. It hurts! PA hills are ringing from it, deer running like mad.

Flatster, dear, what I was thinking is this. What you have written to me in the past was of course interesting, thought-provoking, sometimes just provoking, and occasionally (only) mystifying. But I LIKED it. OK. Now I know you better. What you have written is all that is was, PLUS it is lit up by what I have come to know and see of you. *G*

(There is still no substitute for really getting to know another human being....)

SO. Iddinnit like that with Cohen?

AND, in my own never-humble-enough opinion (NHO??? [Wasn't Humble Enough, WHO???), the trick is to manage the output, not create it. Plenty of output. File management is the key. Recognize a pearl when it comes out the unlikelier orifice, clean it up lovingly, and stow it where it can be brought out later on midnight blue velvet. You oughtta see the harvest I have from e-mail alone. And I think I must eventually publish my remarks from the nazi thread. Just when it all comes together, that's when I'll know what to do with it.

And then there are the several books implied by the stuff I RECEIVE. Anyone wanna write, don't know how, or feel blocked!??? Write me!! I'll get ya going in no time!

So, Flattened One-- and all others-- Write on, baby.

(BTW, to anyone who does write me, 'scuse my sporadic on-and-offlineness-- modem sucks bigtime, and work computer has a few days use left. Gotta take Homegirl here back to the shop.)


Folders RULE!!!