The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3248201
Posted By: Lox
01-Nov-11 - 06:02 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
If anyone wishes to question the credibility of Finkelstein oor ask Finkelstein what his sources are they should write to him.

Beyond that, his proven track record of peer reviewed accurate and expert research at the highest and most rigorous level is enough of a guarantee for me.

He is Jewish, his parents were holocaust survivors and most of his family on his fathers side were murdered in concentration camps, so there is simply no question of any agenda other than a desire, (once again, proven by peer review at the very highest and most rigorous level) too report information accurately and truthfully.

There is nobody on this forum who has the academic or moral authority to question either his integrity or accuracy.

If you wish to pursue that line of thought, you should either contact him, or look up the source which he very explicitly gave - the Israeli foreign ministry's report on the ceasefire.

Aside from this, I am still laughing at Keiths absurd idea that the Israeli foreign ministry report was written iin sarcastic language.

Sorry but what a twat!