The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58643   Message #3248353
Posted By: GUEST
01-Nov-11 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: Robin Hood ballads
Subject: RE: Robin Hood ballads
"Er, no. It was you, I recall, you who started up the "out-of-date" hare. "
My Out-of-date referred to a revivalist (as much as he might despise the species) using revival techniques long abandoned by the revival
Your 'out of date' was a rejection of revival and traditional singers using traditional techniques which - apparently are past their sell-by date.
I repeat - what is your point of describing them as out-of-date and if they are, why on earth should you bother your arse about t
records of singers singing exactly in the way that you have have described as "out-of-date"?
"chosen few"
Please do not misrepresent my argument - I saidfall into the hands of people who neither like nor understand it" - different argument altogether
Jim Carroll