The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58643   Message #3248642
Posted By: GUEST,SteveG
01-Nov-11 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: Robin Hood ballads
Subject: RE: Robin Hood ballads
I have also had a lifetime of listening to, talking to and recording traditional singers, and I still love doing this given half a chance, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the ways all of this music has evolved in a multiplicity of ways over the last century. Traditions can become moribund museum pieces if they don't continue to evolve.

As for the use of the word 'folk' we've been over this one many times before. Nowadays it HAS a multiplicity of meanings to the MAJORITY of people. 'Tradition' has a more singular definition, but each tradition is made up of of lots of smaller traditions and each of these overlaps with other traditions, None of the source singers you mention are part of exactly the same tradition. Some, though not all, source singers do attempt 'to distinguish their songs and stories from the manufactured variety' but they still sing/sang and enjoy(ed) listening to the latter. the first name on your list is a prime example.

I think Suibhne's colourful language is somewhat OTT, but it can be amusing.