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Thread #136420   Message #3248889
Posted By: Bill D
01-Nov-11 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Personally, I suspect that the Republicans' strategy this election is to overwhelm the entire process and news media with so many stories that people get tired of listening!

There is such a plethora of attacks on laws, unions, and institutions, coupled with strange candidates ("send in the clowns") and wild Tea Party events that there are dozens of things that need investigating, but only a few that actually get serious media attention.
   There is an old expression: "Nibbled to death by ducks"... that expresses how hard it is to even list all the flurry of Republican shenanigans we need to combat. Another is: "When you are up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember why you wanted to drain the swamp."

The conservatives are throwing Jesus, anti-abortion laws, anti-tax legislation, anti-gun regulation, anti-environmental attempts, anti-union activities, etc. at us in a continuous barrage, and making ALL of it into an anti-Obama crusade! It is said that Conservatives define themselves mostly by what they are against!

I think it's like buckshot... fire enough of it, and people can't dodge everything....or if they do, they have to get so far out of range they can't know what's happening.

Silly? Giving them too much credit for planning? Maybe...but sheesh! I have been voting for 50 years, I have NEVER seen such a campaign. A dozen Republican 'candidates' and even before any primary votes are cast, all except Romney seems to have shot themselves in the foot...and they don't seem to like Romney.

What a mess......