The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26737   Message #324925
Posted By: Sorcha
22-Oct-00 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Justice in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Justice in the USA
If you lock someone up for 25 years(sic) according to spaw's 8x8 formula, and they are later found innocent, the person who is released is NOT psycholgically the person who was imprisoned. Said person is probably certifiably "crazy" and should be kept away from society by then. Wouldn't you be crazy after that long in solitary?

The problem with vengance is that the people administering it are fallible. ALL humans are fallible;it's a problem of the species, what with being able to reason.

"Vengence is Mine".........thus saith the Lord. Leave vengance to the Gods, let's work on the bottom of the problems. The US, at least, is now building prisons to house children not yet born, on the assumption that the "crime wave" will continue to rise. Why not spend the money that is being planned for prisons on "family/child related problems"? Like shooling, housing, basic food requirements, etc?

How would you feel, if you were a child, that the system has already given up on you, and is building a prison to house you just as soon as you are old enough to go there? Why NOT get what you can while you can? As soon as you can?

And while we are on the subject of "capital crimes", what about the women who are convicted of Murder 1 and sentenced to death for finally killing the man/husband who has beaten the crap out of them for years? Nearly all women in prison for murder are there for the murder of their SO that abused them for years.........with no consequenses for the male.......

(rant off)

Like I said above, read "Newjack". It will give you a whole new perspective on prisons.