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Thread #141076   Message #3249294
Posted By: Jim Carroll
02-Nov-11 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"Jim, "UNESCO's democratically accepted decision" ignores the built in anti-Israel bias in UNESCO and other UN bodies."
There is now bias on the part of UNESCO - it does not exist nor act as a single unitary body - it is made up of representatives of various states. The vote was 107 for 14 against, 54 abstentions - that is 107 nations supporting the statehood of Palestine compared to 14 against.
A similar situation exists in the United Nations - neither act as a single unit, but as a representatives of nations opposed to US and Israeli policy
Weaseling out of this opposition by a majority of world representatives by crying "bias" is nonsensical
If there is any 'bias' it is that of the world against the expansionist behaviour of Israel and the blackmailing and political and economic bullying of the United States.
As Livelylass pointed out, the US would do well to recognise this fact.
Jim Carroll