The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140992   Message #3249477
02-Nov-11 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dancing & Possessiveness
Subject: RE: BS: Dancing & Possessiveness
Yes, I am very insecure. However, I have been taking lessons with another beginner that are going well. And the original potential partner seems interested in the fact that I am dancing at all. I have made my peace with us both dancing with others, as long as it is not intimately close, like the Lambada, which is pretty much like having sex with your clothes on. I think this partner will respect that. I sense that she will want to dance with me a lot. I mean, I am straight. And fewer straight men dance than women. So she will want to enjoy a lot of time with me.

Thanks for listening. I think I'll be alright.