The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3249579
Posted By: MGM·Lion
03-Nov-11 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
Keith ~ I early learned that trying reason against the entrenched, dont-confuse-me-with facts, assumptions of Colostolox the ShitbagShouter is a waste of effort. IIWY I shouldn't waste another moment on him,


Note to Al, Kevin and some others who appear ill-at-ease with my mode of referring to this gadfly-Catter: OK, I drop the piggidroppings bit; but considering the time and emphasis and pertinacity he has expended,unapologetically & motivelessly SFAICS,(if any motive he consistently refuses to divulge it despite frequent enquiries) on accusing me, inaccurately, of stinking due to an ill-fitting colostomy bag, and explicitly expressing his delight at its having irritated me, I feel my "Colostilox the ShitbagShouter" to be a completely concise, compact, coherent, congruous, convenient, correct, compatible cognomen. Any objections to that one ~~ tough-ɷɷ!