The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104474   Message #3249748
Posted By: GUEST,Ray
03-Nov-11 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Amphitrite
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Amphitrite
I thought that this might be of some interest.

I came across these Lyrics in a copy of the "Shields Daily News", from April 30th., 1872, while doing some research into my family history.
Before listing the Lyrics, the newspaper article says the following:

"The old ship Amphitrite, now stranded near the Soutn Pier (of the Tyne at South Shields), was once the subect of a famous local song, which for some years was very popular in this district, but whihc has to a great extent, gone out of the rememberance of the present generation. As an illustration of the humour of the local song writers of that day, we reprint the verses in question".

Whether the song actually relates to the ship which was stranded in the mouth of the Tyne in 1872 I don't know, but it clearly couldn't have been the same ship as was scrapped in 1952.