The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26737   Message #325031
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Oct-00 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Justice in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Justice in the USA
I get you, troll, but....

If everyone had a home. If everyone had a job. If everyone had enough food on the table. If there were not a few incredibly rich, a dwindling and beleaguered middle class, and a desperate mostly hopeless lower class. If 3rd world people were not enslaved in order to fill our shopping malls. If women were not institutionally and societally oppressed in numerous ways.

If men were not taught to be cut off from their softer emotions, and thus dehumanized.

If there were no MONEY at all, but things were done in society to meet actual human needs rather than to make a profit for some huge company that may well be marketing something which isn't even any good for people (like cigarettes or atomic bombs or stealth bombers or soft drinks full of sugar and caffeine or junk food).

If we were not spending collossal amounts of our resources in search of military supremacy, but instead securing a decent life for ALL people on this planet.

If we did not proscecute drug users, but only drug marketers, and if you could secure a drug under prescription while undergoing medical help, instead of having to rob stores to support your incredibly expensive habit.

If we did not simultaneously bombard young people with sexual messages constantly in the media, while telling them NOT to have sex at the same time when they are youngsters, and suppressing their every natural impulse to express that side of their nature from the earliest age right through puberty.

Then I put it to you...that there would be virtually NO crime (aside from the occasional personal crime of passion), virtually NO drug addiction (which is behind a huge amount of crime), no wars, and no massive social injustice...which is itself the cause of almost all the problems you point to.

It is a testament to the strength of character and courage of ordinary citizens everywhere in this bizarre society that things are not a whole lot worse than they already are, given the general insanity of our prevailing social system, which serves not humanity or nature...but money, power, and greed.

And the penal system is simply a disgrace.

I am quite serious. Society could be changed as I have suggested. Not easy, but it could be done by stages...if people had the courage to try it, and the imagination to grasp it.

What I see out there is mostly just...monkey see, monkey do. Too bad. We are not monkeys.