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Thread #141076   Message #3251266
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Nov-11 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"Jim, on all those issues I simply put the Israeli side of the story.
You now appear to be moving into "Itwasn't me that said it but some eminent expert" mode
You have conistently argued Israels case, you have defended massacres facilitated by Israeli "a failure to prevent", have openly denied that documented massacres even happened, you have downgraded and ignored the effects of chemical weapons used on civilians as smokescreens, you have ignored the fact that an Israeli minister has been found a war criminal and us unable to enter Britain, you have ignored the attempts to starve the Palestinians into submission, you have defended the US veto at the Untited Nations
Don't you dare claim that I don't want to know the Israeli case - I know it and I believe them to be a terrorist state committing atrocities against civilians for over sixty years - and unlike you, I find that fact unaccebtable.
I don't give a toss for either Israeli or Palestinian extremeism - unlike you, I have never supported either, though I have at one time or another, tried to understand both.
My main concern is ending this bloodshed, and that will not be achieved by backing one side against the other
Jim Carroll