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Thread #141076   Message #3251698
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
06-Nov-11 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
""A couple of days ago, you admitted that you had no idea what reasons Israel was putting forward against it, and not one of your team was able to enlighten you either.

You did not need to know.
If Israel is against it, you are for it, and vice versa.

How can we not see this as blind, irrational prejudice against Israel?

A couple of days ago you were insisting that Israel had accepted the "Two State Solution". Now that Palestine wants that status, all of a sudden Israel doesn't.

Israel doesn't want two states, and never has wanted it.

The reason is simple. As long as Palestine has no voice in the UN, Israel can do pretty much what it likes and Palestine cannot stop it.

No wonder the Palestinians have been driven to violence.

At least if Palestine were a member, both would be bound to interact on a diplomatic level, and that is the last thing the Israeli government wants. Wilful, deliberate Israeli prejudice against Palestine?

Yes. I think so.

Don T.

Don T.